October 23, 2009
With Youtube and video capabilities on most digital cameras, there is an overwhelming amount of video available online.
Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could go through and find the educational ones, pick some of the best, and then sort them by topic?
Well the folks at NeoK12 have done just that – reviewed, chosen, and catalogued TONS of free online educational videos.
Find the topic your children are currently studying and let them watch a few videos on the subject:
- Physical Science
- Life Science
- Human Body
- Earth and Space
- Social Studies
- Math
- English
- Science Projects
- Science Experiments
- How it Works
- Child Safety
I just sat down with my 4-year-old on my lap and had a great time running through a few of the counting videos – Counting Sheep and Super Simple Song’s version were his favorites.
Do you have suggestions for online learning videos? A website or technique you use? Thank you for the ideas!

Posted under Homeschool Curriculum, Homeschool Websites
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This is a sort of entertainment and children will be more attentive
to them.
To Whom It May Concern:
I have a friend who runs a nonprofit organization called Schoolyard Films, Inc. He creates interesting and engaging Wildlife films with accompanying study guides, and offers them to the public, free of charge. The organization is completely funded by grants and donations. I formerly worked as an Education Specialist for a charter school that serves homeschooling families, and I know that homeschoolers are always looking for quality resources. Although the nonprofit organization is still young, one of the films has already won an award at a film festival in Montana. The website is http://www.schoolyardfilms.org. Movies can be downloaded for free via an itunes link, and study guides can be printed from the computer. There are only 7 films as of yet, but many more to come in the near future. I am hoping that you will include a link to Schoolyard Films on your website, so that you may share this free and amazing resource with your community.
Kind Regards,
Letty Rising
Thanks for sharing. These will be very helpful.